Why an early morning training is always a good choice
The world is divided between two kinds of people. Some only start to be active late in the morning but can easily continue to work until late at night. Others wake up at dawn without issues but fall asleep already in the early evening. If you are wondering which of the two categories is best, the answer comes from science.
According to a genetic study coordinated by Professor Mike Weedon of the University of Exeter (UK) and published in the journal Nature Communications, those who prefer to postpone their awakening due to attitude and are forced to adjust their biological clock to their daily and social needs – are more likely to develop mental illnesses than those who wake up at dawn. The research, which examined the genetic data of 250,000 subjects, showed that so called ‘night owls’ would enjoy less psychic well-being and would be 10% more likely to develop schizophrenia when compared to the early risers.
In short, the world seems to be made for the ‘early risers’. We are talking about those who leave their blankets at dawn, as soon as the sun’s rays glimpse through the clouds to dedicate some time to themselves, possibly before the frenetic rhythms of daily life kick in.
Good proverbs – Aurora aurum in ore habet or an Italian il mattino ha l’oro in bocca. It may also be for this reason that some of the most powerful and successful men of our time set their alarm even before sunrise to read, meditate, take the dog out and train.
“I train at least three times a week, it’s the first thing I do when I wake up” the entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg explained during a session on Facebook, unexpectedly stating that he has a busy sports routine. “Early in the morning, of course. Keeping fit is very important to me –Doing things in the best way possible – like he has to – requires energy and when you are fit and healthy you have much more energy”.
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